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The best SCREEN RECORDER in 2014 for Android

If you want to record your Android phone screen when you are doing something e.g you want to make a video tutorial of how to get a task done, you will need a SCREEN RECORDER. The video can be posted on youtube, facebook,whatsapp etc There are many Recorders on the internet and finding a good one is always a great challenge. To get the best screen recorder, do this

For those of you who have been constant readers of my blog, you will remember that I wrote a post on the best SCREEN RECORDER in 2013, well 2014 is here and I have tested and confirmed the most efficient and effective Screen Recorder. While the ASC Screen recorder could not record Sounds, this particular one does that 100%. Just give it a try and let me know your findings.

1. Login to google play store in your phone using the google play application OR click HERE

2. Click Download. That is all, once it has finished downloading, you can now begin to use it.


1. Click on the Screen Recorder icon and launch the application
2. You will see the Home Screen like the picture below.

3. Click "START", once it starts recording, you can go out (without clicking EXIT) and start doing the things you want and be sure that IT IS BEING RECORDED!!!
4. When you are through with recording, you can now go to the app again and click "STOP".
5. The Recorded video is displayed in the app. If you click and HOLD on the video you will see four options(Play, Share, Rename, Delete), choose any one you wish to use.
6.You can change some "SETTINGS" by click the sign that is at the top right hand corner. See pic below

You will see the following options:
              *Recording Quality
              *Video Scaling (1:1)
              *Record Sound
              *Audio Quality
              *Minimize on Record

I have tested a lot of Screen Recorder apps but this is the far most effective app. Thumbs up to the developers for making it FREE although to unlock some features, you may need to BUY it.

YOUR PHONE WILL NEED TO BE ROOTED. If you don't know how to root your phone check google.

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  1. do I need to root my android p5 version 4.2.2? thank you

  2. Please, what can cause my phantom f7 to periodically wipe its contacts? Phone numbers and names, pls it has happened twice now...i nid quick responses...i av subscribed to ur blog bt can't post...

  3. does this even record the voice?if it


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